Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Mainly I am writing this so that I remember. On Sunday we were at my Grandparents house and Zach was playing with the lid to a water bottle (something I let him do quite often but watch him very closely) well my brother was holding him and I was watching and he stuck the whole thing in his mouth. I immediately ran over and grabbed him and put him over my arm and beat on his back. Then I put my finger in his mouth to do a finger sweep and retrieved the lid. I ended up scratching the back of his throat but at that point I didn't care I was just glad that the lid was out. He was shaken up and his throat hurt but I was just glad that he was ok. I know that Heavenly Father was there to keep me calm because it was like I knew exactly what to do and to not freak out while doing it. I will admit I did scream for my mom at first but then I just did what I knew I had to. I feel so blessed and so lucky to have the spirit with me to keep me calm and to help me with my little boy. Needless to say he will NOT be playing with lids anymore. I Love you Zach.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Well I don't have any pictures ot post at this time but I wanted to write a little about what is going on in our lives.
About 1 weeks ago we found out our lives were going to change again. That is right we are expecting baby number 3! this was one of those unexpected pregnancy's and I am still feeling a little overwhelmed when I think about having 3 kids almost under 3 since Tyson will turn 3 in October and this baby is due the middle of December. I do however feel very blessed to be able to be pregnant and have these sweet little children come into our family.
This pregnancy has been a little like my others. I have been quite sick for the first about 15 weeks and I am stil feeling a little nauseous although I think I am finally over the throwing up part of the pregnancy now that it has been 10 days since I last threw up Yeah!! Another thing that has been different with this pregnancy is that I can't drink milk. With both Tyson and Zach I would drink a glass of strawberry milk at night before bed and it would seem to help but with this one there is no relief and it actualy made me feel worse. other than the sickness pregnancy has been going well. I am showing sooner with this one than the 1st two but that is ok. I was also a bit more tired with this one but that could also be the fact that I have been chasing around 2 other little ones at home.
Both Tyson and Zach are doing well. Zach is getting so big and is starting to pull himself up on everything. He said one of his first words on SUnday which was Dog and on Monday he said Cow. He has been blabbing a lot and also says Dada Baba and Lala. A few months ago we found out that he has a syndrome called Short Femur Syndroem where his femur bone in his right leg is not growing properly so when he gets older (like 8-10) he will have to have surgery to lengthen his leg. I am a little relieved that is what it is and not something worse. For now he will wear corrective shoes and deal with the difference. He is a lot of fun but has learned how to get what he wants. He will scream until he gets it or if his brother is bugging him
Tyson is loving being a big brother although right now he is in a hitting mode and we are trying to teach him right from wrong and that he needs to be nice to his brother. He is getting so big and is just completing swimming lesons which he loved. He loves to talk and explain things and when he doesn't know what a word is he will say I don't know the word for that. He loves to count things and can count to about 13-15. He loves to play with friends and loves nursery. He loves to golf, play ball, and be with his grandparents (all of them). He loves horses right now and has asked Grandpa Jeff to let him ride a horse.
All in all we are doing well and loving the new adventures that life is giving us.
About 1 weeks ago we found out our lives were going to change again. That is right we are expecting baby number 3! this was one of those unexpected pregnancy's and I am still feeling a little overwhelmed when I think about having 3 kids almost under 3 since Tyson will turn 3 in October and this baby is due the middle of December. I do however feel very blessed to be able to be pregnant and have these sweet little children come into our family.
This pregnancy has been a little like my others. I have been quite sick for the first about 15 weeks and I am stil feeling a little nauseous although I think I am finally over the throwing up part of the pregnancy now that it has been 10 days since I last threw up Yeah!! Another thing that has been different with this pregnancy is that I can't drink milk. With both Tyson and Zach I would drink a glass of strawberry milk at night before bed and it would seem to help but with this one there is no relief and it actualy made me feel worse. other than the sickness pregnancy has been going well. I am showing sooner with this one than the 1st two but that is ok. I was also a bit more tired with this one but that could also be the fact that I have been chasing around 2 other little ones at home.
Both Tyson and Zach are doing well. Zach is getting so big and is starting to pull himself up on everything. He said one of his first words on SUnday which was Dog and on Monday he said Cow. He has been blabbing a lot and also says Dada Baba and Lala. A few months ago we found out that he has a syndrome called Short Femur Syndroem where his femur bone in his right leg is not growing properly so when he gets older (like 8-10) he will have to have surgery to lengthen his leg. I am a little relieved that is what it is and not something worse. For now he will wear corrective shoes and deal with the difference. He is a lot of fun but has learned how to get what he wants. He will scream until he gets it or if his brother is bugging him
Tyson is loving being a big brother although right now he is in a hitting mode and we are trying to teach him right from wrong and that he needs to be nice to his brother. He is getting so big and is just completing swimming lesons which he loved. He loves to talk and explain things and when he doesn't know what a word is he will say I don't know the word for that. He loves to count things and can count to about 13-15. He loves to play with friends and loves nursery. He loves to golf, play ball, and be with his grandparents (all of them). He loves horses right now and has asked Grandpa Jeff to let him ride a horse.
All in all we are doing well and loving the new adventures that life is giving us.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tyson Birthday
So it was Tyson's birthday while we were in Disneyland on the 30th of October. I can't believe that he is already 2. It seams like just yesterday I was bringing him home from the hospital. He is so much fun now. He loves to play outside, color, use playdoe, loves to golf, and to throw a ball, he loves his little brother, he also loves dinosaurs and horses right now. He is such a good little boy and such a great talker. He can carry on a conversation and knows over 350 words. It is funny because I can remember thinking when is he going to say mommy and now that is all I hear and sometimes I wish he couldn't say it but I love him for it too. He is growing up so fast and is being potty trained right now which is going pretty well. He makes me laugh and I love his little smile. I also love that he still wants to cuddle with his mom. He is so friendly and loves to make new friends with kids. Tyson we love you and are so glad that you are in our family.
Disneyland 2010
We also went to Disneyland over Halloween with Mike's dad and sisters. We had so much fun. Tyson loved it. He loved meeting all of the characters, especially Sully from Monster's Inc. He was so excited to see him and was not afraid of him at all he just ran up and gave him a hug. We were also lucky and got to see Mickey and Goofy. He loved all of the rides we went on except the Haunted Mansion he wasn't too sure about that. Zach also loved Disneyland. He liked to look at all of the bright lights and loved the music. It was fun to let the kids wear their costumes down there, Tyson was a dinosaur and Zach was a monkey. They were both so cute. We also celebrated Tyson's birthday. He is so cute and loved being sung Happy Birthday to him, I think that we sang it about 6 times both with my parents and with Mike's. We had a really great trip, thanks Dean and Donna for the fun time.
San Diego
Ok I know it has been awhile but here are a few pictures of our trip to San Diego with my parents and grandparents back in September. We had such a blast. It was a pretty relaxing trip with not a lot of things planned just hanging out and not having to go, go, go. Tyson loved going to Sea World and watching the whales and sea lions jump. I think I heard that and still hear it sometimes now he will say whale jumps in the pool or sea lions jumps in the pool. It was fun to see him get so excited. We also went to a San Diego Padres game while we were down there and that was a lot of fun. Tyson kept saying ball goes in the sky. Zach was pretty good the whole trip and didn't mind being hauled around everywhere we went. Thanks mom and dad and grandma and grandpa for a fun trip.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Baby Zachary Lee Milne
Well this is a few weeks overdue but here it is. Zachary Lee Milne came into our family on 8/9/10 at 2:11p.m. The delivery went well and wasn't as long as Tyson's was. We went in at 7:30 to get induced and he was here at 2:11 after starting the pitocin at 9. He weighed 5 lbs. 9 oz. and was 19 inches long. He looks different than Tyson. He has dark hair and we will have to wait and see what color his eyes are, they look darker than Tyson's though. He looks a lot like Mike which is fun.
He is already a pretty good sleeper. I get up to nurse him twice during the night but he sleeps the whole time in between so I get about 6-7 hours of sleep a night. Having 2 kids is fun but it is a little bit of a challenge. Tyson loves his little brother and is always wanting to hold him or give him kisses. He is also always concerned about him and asking where the baby is. The other day we had went to the store and came home and he didn't see me carry Zach in and he thought I left him in the car. He kept saying mom Zach in car. I had to bring him over and show him Zach was in the house. He is going to be a great big brother and I look forward to seeing how they interact and grow up together.
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