Here are just some Christmas Pictures. I know I haven't put some up for awhile so here are a few of the family. Tyson is getting so big and is learning new things everyday. He now can open the doors in the house and can say quite a few words. It is fun to see him grow and learn everyday.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Happy Halloween!
Tyson as you can tell was a skeleton this year for Halloween. We didn't take him trick or treating except to his Grandpa Milne's house but we did take him to dinner in it. He was so cute.
1st Birthday!!
Well I can't believe that it has been a year since we had our little Tyson. He is growing up so much and it is so fun. On Friday we had his birthday party. My parents, grandparents, brothers and their fiance's came down for it along with Mike's family coming over. It was so much fun. We had Cafe Rio style food for dinner and then came the presents and cake. Tyson loved opening presents and he actually did really well I thought. He also loved his cake. At first he started by just putting a finger in it and then a little more and a little more until it was everywhere. I loved watching him do this.
I am so thankful to have Tyson in our family and have really enjoyed all of the last year of changes. I can't wait to see what he does next and how he grows. We love you Tyson.
Thursday, October 1, 2009

Here are our family pictures that we got taken the other day. I think they turned out great. I love the cute pictures of Tyson.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
California 2009
The pictures are from our trip that we just took down to California. Mike had a conference down there so Tyson and I went to the Zoo one day. He loved looking at all of the animals and being outside. That night we ran by the mall to get Mike a new phone ( his broke) and Tyson fell and hit his head on the corner of one of the displays and cut it open pretty good. He didn't need stitches but it was a bleeder. The next day Tyson and I just hung out at the mall until Mike was done. Then we headed down to the beach and enjoyed a little time playing in the sand and putting our feet in the water. Tyson wasn't too sure about either of these things but he liked being held and watching everything.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Walking all over the place!!
Well now we have our hands full Tyson loves to walk all over and get into everything. It is fun to watch him learn these new things though. Here is a new video of him walking all over the place.
Enjoy!! ( I know it looks like we never put pants on our kid but he loves to take them off when you are changing him and he doesn't like you to put them back on)
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Shark Reef and Eating
The bottom picture is of him eating some waffles the other day. He just kept stuffing them in his mouth( I guess that means he likes them). He loves to feed himself now and is becoming so independent. He is also enjoying walking around more, everyday he goes a little farther.
I also thought that I would add this picture of our fist nephew Eli. Congrat to Pete and Erica. We can't wait until he is older and Tyson and him can play.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
9 Months
Well Tyson is now 9 months old (actually he is almost 9 1/2 months old) I am a little late posting. Here are a few pictures of him. I am waiting for my sister in law to email me some pictures and a video of him taking some of his first steps. Yes that is right he is walking a little bit. I can't believe he is growing up so fast but it is fun to see him grow.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
4th of July Weekend
We had a great 4th of July weekend. We went up to Mike's families cabin in Cedar city and enjoyed the cool weather. On Saturday we took Tyson down to the parade. He didn't like the fire trucks because of the loud sirens. After they were over though he watched the rest and then took a little nap. That afternoon we went up to Mike's grandparents cabin and had dutch oven food and took a walk down by the little stream. It was fun, but Tyson was really tired and so by about 6:15 he was in bed. We did get to watch the fireworks they had in town because we could see them from the cabin. All in all it was a good weekend and we really enjoyed getting away.
Oh yeah one new thing Tyson can do is on Tuesday morning I went into his room to get him and found him standing by the side of the crib, he did this after both of his naps too. Mike has now lowered the mattress down so that he can't acidentally climb out.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
All Boy
Here are a few pictures of Tyson over the last few weeks. He is loving getting in the pool and going swimming. All he wants to do is kick and splash when he is in there. He also loves to eat. Almost everything I give him he eats with no problem at all. I hope this doesn't change, I really don't want a picky eater.
He is also all ready for church in his white shirt and tie. My mom came down this weekend and we made this little tie for him, I think it turned out so cute. I just love him looking like a little man.
In the last picture is his car. Mike bought this for him and he loves it. At first he didn't like the wheel because it turns so that is why the blanket it is over it, but now he doesn't mind it and will actually grab onto it. He is growing up so much and we are enjoying every minute with him. He now scoots all over the floor and loves to walk if you hold his hands
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
I usually put Tyson on the floor in the mornings with toys around him. Well this is what happened this morning when I did this.
Yep he has finally started to scoot around on the floor. This is so exciting although I am sure eventually I will want those days back when he would just sit in one place but for now it is fun and exciting.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Well here are just some random pictures of Tyson. I realized I haven't put any pic's of him up in over a month so I figured I would put a few.

This is Tyson watching Mike and I plant some of the plants in our back yard. He really loves to be outside. In fact if he is every fussy I will take him outside and he is immediatly happy which is nice.
This is Tyson watching Mike and I plant some of the plants in our back yard. He really loves to be outside. In fact if he is every fussy I will take him outside and he is immediatly happy which is nice.
This video is of Tyson pulling himself up using a golf club and Mike holding onto it. He thinks he is bigger than he is and can't wait to start walking. That is all he wants to do is grab Mike or I's hands and walk around the house.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Taylor Swift

For Mother's Day Mike gave me tickets to go and see Taylor Swift. The concert was on Saturday night and it was so much fun. My mom came down and and watched Tyson while we went out. It was our first full night out with someone else putting Tyson to bed and it was great. I really enjoyed getting out of the house for a night so THANKS MOM for coming and letting us get out.
The concert started with a band called Gloriana which I had never heard of but was pretty good. Next Kelly Pickler came out and performed and did really well. I really like the songs that she sings. Then Taylor Swift came out and put on a really good show. The whole concert lasted 3 1/2 hrs which I think is pretty long, most of the other concerts I have been too haven't been that long. There was also a point when she came out in the audience and sang and took pictures with people which I thought was really cool. Thanks honey for the tickets and a great night out with you!!
Friday, May 1, 2009
6 months where does time go
The last 6 months have sure changed our lives and we wouldn't have it any other way. We love having Tyson in our family and can't wait to see him grown and change. Here are a few of his stats for 6 months.
Height: 26 1/2 inches (75%)
Weight: 15 lbs 10 oz (10%)
Head: 43 cm (25-50%)
Head: 43 cm (25-50%)
He is now sitting up really well by himself and loves to talk and talk. He tries to scoot but hasn't quite gotten there yet, I know it won't be too long so I am loving that he isn't mobile quite yet. He sleeps almost all through the night with only waking up for 1 feeding. He is loving eating new vegetables and will look forward to fruits soon. So far he is eating squash, peas, and carrots. I think his favorite right now is carrots probably because they are sweeter than the others but mom makes him eat them all.
And now for some pictures:
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Happy Birthday!!
I just wanted to say Happy Birthday to my Husband. He is the best husband ever. I couldn't ask for anyone better. He is always there for me and willing to help out whenever needed. He helps take care of the house and also helps with laundry and dinner when I am at work. I feel so lucky to have him as a husband. He is also a great dad to Tyson and I am so glad that they get time to spend together during the week while I am at work.
Thanks Honey for all that you do and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
Thanks Honey for all that you do and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Easter Weekend
Thursday, April 2, 2009
5 Months Already
So Tyson is 5 months old now. I can't believe how
fast time goes by. My mom and dad came down
this weekend and it was so nice to have them here.
My mom and I took a bunch of pictures of Tyson and here is just a few
I really liked.
He is getting so big. We weighed him the other day and he weight about 15 lbs 4 oz. He is also sitting up by himself more and more. And I can say we finally get a good nights rest. Most of the time he will sleep about 9 hrs wake up to eat and then go back down for about 3 more. It is awsome. I feel like a new person with getting so much rest.
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