Thursday, April 2, 2009

5 Months Already

So Tyson is 5 months old now. I can't believe how
fast time goes by. My mom and dad came down
this weekend and it was so nice to have them here.
My mom and I took a bunch of pictures of Tyson and here is just a few
I really liked.

His great-grandma and grandpa bought him this high-chair. He love it, and it is nice to have him in it at the table instead of trying to hold him or put him in his bumbo.

He is getting so big. We weighed him the other day and he weight about 15 lbs 4 oz. He is also sitting up by himself more and more. And I can say we finally get a good nights rest. Most of the time he will sleep about 9 hrs wake up to eat and then go back down for about 3 more. It is awsome. I feel like a new person with getting so much rest.

1 comment:

cynphil6 said...

I can't believe how big he is! He looks so grown up sitting all by himself!
Congrats on the sleep! It's like a little miracle, isnt' it?