Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Tyson Birthday
So it was Tyson's birthday while we were in Disneyland on the 30th of October. I can't believe that he is already 2. It seams like just yesterday I was bringing him home from the hospital. He is so much fun now. He loves to play outside, color, use playdoe, loves to golf, and to throw a ball, he loves his little brother, he also loves dinosaurs and horses right now. He is such a good little boy and such a great talker. He can carry on a conversation and knows over 350 words. It is funny because I can remember thinking when is he going to say mommy and now that is all I hear and sometimes I wish he couldn't say it but I love him for it too. He is growing up so fast and is being potty trained right now which is going pretty well. He makes me laugh and I love his little smile. I also love that he still wants to cuddle with his mom. He is so friendly and loves to make new friends with kids. Tyson we love you and are so glad that you are in our family.
Disneyland 2010
We also went to Disneyland over Halloween with Mike's dad and sisters. We had so much fun. Tyson loved it. He loved meeting all of the characters, especially Sully from Monster's Inc. He was so excited to see him and was not afraid of him at all he just ran up and gave him a hug. We were also lucky and got to see Mickey and Goofy. He loved all of the rides we went on except the Haunted Mansion he wasn't too sure about that. Zach also loved Disneyland. He liked to look at all of the bright lights and loved the music. It was fun to let the kids wear their costumes down there, Tyson was a dinosaur and Zach was a monkey. They were both so cute. We also celebrated Tyson's birthday. He is so cute and loved being sung Happy Birthday to him, I think that we sang it about 6 times both with my parents and with Mike's. We had a really great trip, thanks Dean and Donna for the fun time.
San Diego
Ok I know it has been awhile but here are a few pictures of our trip to San Diego with my parents and grandparents back in September. We had such a blast. It was a pretty relaxing trip with not a lot of things planned just hanging out and not having to go, go, go. Tyson loved going to Sea World and watching the whales and sea lions jump. I think I heard that and still hear it sometimes now he will say whale jumps in the pool or sea lions jumps in the pool. It was fun to see him get so excited. We also went to a San Diego Padres game while we were down there and that was a lot of fun. Tyson kept saying ball goes in the sky. Zach was pretty good the whole trip and didn't mind being hauled around everywhere we went. Thanks mom and dad and grandma and grandpa for a fun trip.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Baby Zachary Lee Milne
Well this is a few weeks overdue but here it is. Zachary Lee Milne came into our family on 8/9/10 at 2:11p.m. The delivery went well and wasn't as long as Tyson's was. We went in at 7:30 to get induced and he was here at 2:11 after starting the pitocin at 9. He weighed 5 lbs. 9 oz. and was 19 inches long. He looks different than Tyson. He has dark hair and we will have to wait and see what color his eyes are, they look darker than Tyson's though. He looks a lot like Mike which is fun.
He is already a pretty good sleeper. I get up to nurse him twice during the night but he sleeps the whole time in between so I get about 6-7 hours of sleep a night. Having 2 kids is fun but it is a little bit of a challenge. Tyson loves his little brother and is always wanting to hold him or give him kisses. He is also always concerned about him and asking where the baby is. The other day we had went to the store and came home and he didn't see me carry Zach in and he thought I left him in the car. He kept saying mom Zach in car. I had to bring him over and show him Zach was in the house. He is going to be a great big brother and I look forward to seeing how they interact and grow up together.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Neil and Meg's Wedding

Here are some pictures of my brothers wedding that we went to in July. It took place at the top of Snow Basin ski resort. I am so glad that I was able to go, especially since I was 36 weeks pregnant. We had a really great time up in Utah seeing all of our family and friends.
The top picture is of Tyson asleep. He never just falls asleep anywhere so it was funny to find him lying on the floor while my mom and I were getting ready.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Wedding Day and a New BED
This last week we bought Tyson an toddler bed. He has been doing ok at sleeping in it. We usually have to sit in the room with him until he falls asleep but then most nights he has been sleeping through the night. There have been a few nights he comes in in the middle of the night and wakes me up. I guess it is just the joys of him getting older. I kinda miss him being in the crib where he couldn't get out so he just rolled over and fell asleep. I just hope it gets easier as time goes on.

These are all pictures from my brother Nick's wedding. They got married on Friday the 7th and we are so happy for them and glad that Brooke is now officially part of the family. (especially since the have been dating for like 9 years). Congrats you guys we love you.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Bonnie Springs and Park
These Pictures are from a few weeks ago. I know I have been bad about posting. My parents came down just for a visit and so we took Tyson to do a few fun things with them.
Sorry these are kinda out of order
We spend a few hours one day out at Bonnie Springs. It is this little petting zoo and has quite a few animals to look at. This is Tyson and my mom looking at the ponies. Tyson calls them horses but he loved the little ones. We also saw a big horse but these little ponies were his favorite.

Tyson and I are sitting by the turtle and duck pond. He loved this part. He also enjoyed watching the chickens, I think it is because they were so loud that they kept getting his attention. He didn't like the llama or the deer being so close to him walking around though.

We also took Tyson to the park one day and he wasn't quite sure about the swing. He didn't stay in it very long but he loved being outside.

Here is him going down the slide which he did love. He also loved the fact that he got to see some bugs crawling on the ground. I think he could have stayed there even longer and watched the lady bug and a bee (yes he likes bee's) move around on the ground.

Here is just one last picture of him with the ducks. He loved feeding them the little duck food they had there.
Thursday, April 1, 2010

Tyson and grandpa reading. Tyson loves his grandpa. When they had to leave he just kept crying and saying "PaPa" over and over. Which made mom and the rest of us cry too.

Tyson helped me blow the candles out on my birthday cake last week. Yes there are 27 candles on there so it is very bright.

And last but not least Tyson getting caught in the golf net out back. He kept getting his toes stuck and he would tell me "stuck, stuck"
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Well we took Tyson to Disneyland last week with Mike's family. I have to admit I wasn't sure how it was going to go and wondered if he would even like it. Well much to my surprise he loved it. He enjoyed walking around and looking at everything. He also enjoyed all of the rides. He didn't cry or get scared on any of them even the one's in the dark like Pirates. All in all it was a very fun and good trip and I am really glad that we went.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Christmas Time

Here are a few pictures from Christmas. We had a really great Christmas this year that seemed to last forever. We started out on Christmas eve going over to Mike's dad's house to open presents and for some fun. Then we headed over to his mom's for dinner and just to hang out. Then next morning we woke up and opened Christmas at our house. Tyson loved the trike, blocks, and pop-up game that we got him. We then headed to the airport to go and spend some time with my family up in Utah. We opened Christmas at my grandparents that night and then at my parents house the next morning. It was quite a long Christmas time but a lot of fun. We really enjoyed spending time with family and are now just trying to get the house back to normal with all of the Christmas stuff taken down. Thanks everyone for a great year.
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