Monday, December 8, 2008


Here are a few pictures of Tyson from this weekend.

This is him just before church, doesn't he look so grown-up.

These two are both of him outside while Mike and I were hanging up the Christmas Lights.


Valerie said...

Thanks for saying hi. I've been such a blog slacker lately, so thanks for finding me. Tyson is beautiful, beautiful. Congratulations. We've just heard about him from Trudy, but it's much more fun to actually see him. Thank goodness for blogs, right!! Tell the family hi and again, he is a doll.

carey said...

Hi Laura and Mike! Thanks for visiting my blog. It is so much fun to see pics of you're little Tyson. He is so cute. Aren't they fun??

KC said...

Oops, the above comment was by me, Kaycee. I was signed in as Carey though! :)

carey said...

Hey Mike & Laura! Little Tyson is so adorable. :) CONGRATS! Shoot us an email so we can send you an invite to our blog!